Fall Cleanup – All Cemeteries

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Our annual fall cleanup of Forest Lawn and all the cemeteries in the Forest Lawn Group take place from October 1 – 31, as described in our cemetery Rules and Regulations, which are approved by the NYS Cemetery Board.  Here’s a link to the decoration policy in our Rules and Regulations: Decoration Policy.   And here’s a link to Forest Lawn’s mausoleum flower policy: Mausoleum Flower Policy

Flowers and other plants which are removed from gravesites by our cemetery staff will be disposed of when removed, but at some of our cemeteries (listed below) other items will be taken to a designated area at each cemetery, and as a courtesy to our lot owners will be placed there until October 31 for your retrieval if you wish.  You can retrieve these items at the following locations:

  • Forest Lawn
    Adjacent to the Forest Lawn service garage, which is located behind our main office, at 1990 Main St.
  • St. Matthew’s Cemetery (West Seneca)
    Adjacent to the St. Matthew’s service garage, near Clinton St.
  • Lakeside Cemetery (Hamburg)
    Alongside the cemetery office.
  • Williamsville Cemetery and Gethsemane Cemetery
    Items will be taken to Forest Lawn and placed in an area adjacent to the Forest Lawn service garage, which is located behind our main office, near Main St.

Please note that the items placed at these locations will remain unsecured (as they are now at the gravesite) and you will need to retrieve them no later than October 31.  After that date, any unclaimed items will be discarded.

Thank you for doing your part to keep all Forest Lawn Group cemeteries beautiful and prepared for the upcoming holidays and the onset of winter.

If you have a loved one who is interred at our cemeteries listed below and wish to retrieve from their gravesite any item(s) that have sentimental value to your family, please retrieve them before October 1.

    • Forest Hill Cemetery
    • Forest Lawn Cemetery
    • Gethsemane Cemetery
    • Griffins Mills Cemetery
    • Lakeside Cemetery
    • Lancaster Rural Cemetery
    • Oakwood Cemetery
    • St. Matthew’s Cemetery
    • the Freedom Cemeteries
    • Williamsville Cemetery

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