- We welcome and encourage you to take photos or videos in Forest Lawn or any of the cemeteries in the Forest Lawn Group for personal use, but please:
- Limit your photography/video to scenes of landscape, nature, wildlife and architectural elements.
- Respect the privacy of other visitors and do not take photos/videos of people outside your own group, or photos/videos of any funeral processions or services in the cemetery.
- We encourage you to share your photos with us via Instagram with the tag @forestlawnbuffalo and/or post to our Facebook page.
- The use of drones within the cemetery is strictly prohibited.
- No professional photography or videography (intended for publication or commercial use) is permitted on the grounds of the cemetery without advance permission of Forest Lawn. Fees and insurance requirements apply. To seek such permission, please contact us via email at flc@forest-lawn.com or call our office during business hours at (716) 885-1600.
- Working members of the media should notify Forest Lawn when on our cemetery properties.
- Wedding photography in Forest Lawn is restricted to certain areas and requires advance permission and a suggested donation. To seek such permission, please contact us via email at flc@forest-lawn.com or call our office during business hours at (716) 885-1600.
- Donations are graciously suggested to support the care and maintenance of the beauty captured. Donations can be made to the Forest Lawn Heritage Foundation by clicking this link: DONATE
Photo & Video Policywebcemeteries2024-07-08T14:03:40-04:00